Title of the position: Assistant Varsity Girls Soccer Coach - Winter Season
Organization: School - Student Programs
Department: Athletics
Reports to: Athletic Director
Type: Seasonal
General Description
The role of the Assistant Varsity Girls Soccer Coach is to organize and lead the Girls Soccer Program at Detroit Cristo Rey High School. The candidate assists with conducting practices, motivating students, and instructing student athletes in game strategies and techniques.
Key Areas of Responsibility
- Instruct players in the rules, regulations, equipment, and techniques of the game of basketball
- Organize and direct individual and small group practice activities/exercises
- Assess player's skills, monitor players during competition and practice, and keep the Athletic Director informed of the athletic performance of students
- Develop and execute winning game strategies
- Follow established procedures in the event of an athlete's injury
- Model sports-like behavior and maintain appropriate conduct towards players, parents, officials, and spectators.
- Maintain the basketball equipment storage in an orderly condition and assume responsibility for its security
- Distribute equipment, supplies, and uniforms to players
- Submit a list of award winners at the end of the season to Athletic Director
- Participate in special activities to include parent's night, banquet, award nights, and pep assemblies
- Model nondiscriminatory practices in all activities
- Monitor student athlete's eligibility throughout the season and enforce compliance to policy
- Report all emergencies and injuries to Athletic Director
Other Functions
- Attend staff development meetings, clinics, and other professional activities to improve coaching performance
- Perform any other related duties as assigned by the Athletic Director, Principal, or other appropriate administrator